$SORRY that we put this text here, you probably should have

spent that time buying more $SORRY.


What is $SORRY?

What is $SORRY?

to be honest, we don’t even know what $SORRY is, but we’re

mooning. that’s all the matters.

made by degens for degens

$SORRY, but you should probably FOMO in!

to be honest, we don’t even know what $SORRY is, but we’re

mooning. that’s all the matters.

made by degens for degens

$SORRY, but you should probably FOMO in!

token stuff

token stuff

Liquid Locked

Liquid Locked

No Taxes

No Taxes

contract address

contract address

Contract Renounced

99 - Ninety nine percent added to liquidity pool (whatever that is)


one percent for CEX listings, marketing efforts, and future developments (which there will probably be none of)

99 - Ninety nine percent added to liquidity pool (whatever that is)


one percent for CEX listings, marketing efforts, and future developments (which there will probably be none of)





$SORRY we don’t have plans. This is a meme coin, do any meme

coins really have plans? if you made it this far, retweet and like our latest tweet and use the hashtag #SORRYnotSORRY

$SORRY we don’t have plans. This is a meme coin, do any meme

coins really have plans? if you made it this far, retweet and like our latest tweet and use the hashtag #SORRYnotSORRY

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solsorrycoin.com@2024| allrights reserved

solsorrycoin.com@2024| allrights reserved